End-of-Life Vehicle Management Policy to be Implemented in Malaysia by 2025

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Editors%2 Fimages%2 F1660548747177 Malaysia Implement Elv Policy By 2025 Featured(Photo Credit: Pexels)

Improper disposal of old vehicles and their parts has been an issue that has gone overlooked for some time here in Malaysia. 

Well, that won't be the case much longer according to Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister, Dato' Seri Dr Adham Babha, speaking at a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Malaysia Automotive Recyclers Association (MAARA).

Dr Adham reveals that Malaysia are looking to implement an end-of-life vehicle (ELV) management policy by 2025 to change the norm where old vehicle parts and components get abandoned or improperly disposed of, leading to the rise of several issues such as dengue outbreaks.

"The excess of dilapidated vehicles, which also have resulted in dengue outbreaks, occur because there is yet a policy on the proper action that needs to be taken, with emphasis on the method of proper disposal," said Dr Adham.

Editors%2 Fimages%2 F1660549116342 Singapore Japan Excellent Vehicle Recycling(Photo Credit: Pexels )

As of May 2022, about 57 percent (19 million) of registered vehicles in Malaysia are at least a decade old. Potentially 70 percent of the dismantled items as a result of a proper ELV policy can reach a value of up to RM10 billion for various industries in the sector. 

Malaysia is looking over to Japan and next-door-neighbours, Singapore, countries that have excelled when it comes to ELV recycling, studying their respective approaches before formulating their own way of implementing an ELV policy here. 

Editors%2 Fimages%2 F1660549298988 National Automotive Policy 2020(Photo Credit: MASAAM)

The aforementioned MoU will be the first step in gathering data about manufacturing and recycling and will support the National Automotive Policy 2020, to go alongside other measures such as setting up 10,000 charging stations— all promising measures as Malaysia's automotive industry heads towards a greener future.

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