Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

tanya tentang Umum

lebih 5 tahun lalu

Di manakah saya boleh merayu untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu yang telah tamat tempoh?

1,300 Views 1 Jawapan

Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

1 Jawapan


Appeal for an expired driving license can be made online, in writing or in person to the JPJ State / Branch Offices only. The expired driving license covers the following:

1. Provisional Driving License (PDL) for more than 1 year

2. Competent Driving License (CDL) for more than 3 years

3. Vocational Driving License (GDL/PSV) for more than 3 years


lebih 5 tahun lalu